Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last Session of the ILP

Dear All,

Our last session of the ILP was both a very joyous and a very sad occasion. We went together through this learning process and the time to say goodbye came very quickly. I wanted to thank you all for everything. The experience was incredible - I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to meet so many nice people. I learned a lot from communicating with you and I am happy that I was part of this initiative - it felt more than rewarding. I hope that we will meet again next semester and continue this journey together. Finally, I want to say a special "Thank you" to Brid, who was very patient and kind to me - this means a lot and I appreciate it.

I am posting a photo from the last session, which to remind us of the good time we had together.

Take care.


  1. Thank you Ina for the beautiful pictorial trip around Dublin - did you take the photos yourself? It serves to remind us Dubs that we do live in a lovely city, after all - snow or no snow!

    Have a lovely Christmas!

  2. Hello Mary,
    Thank you very much for this comment. Yes, I took the pictures during my walks around Dublin. I really enjoy Ireland.

    Have a lovely Christmas as well!
