Saturday, November 27, 2010

Recession in Bulgaria

Downtown Sofia
Author: Boby Dimitrov and licensed under the terms of the cc-by-sa-2.0
I am from Bulgaria - a country in South Eastern Europe. We were part of the socialist block some 20 years ago and when it collapsed in 1989 people in Bulgaria had high hopes for the future. Everyone thought that good times are ahead, but it has been more than 20 years now, and in many aspects our country is getting worse for living. We did not really feel this most recent global recession because we have been constantly in economic crisis in the past years. What I would like to share with you is that you should not be too concerned about what is happening with your economy, because it can be far worse, as it is in Bulgaria for example. So, please, don't be too pessimistic about this. Ireland is still doing pretty well.

The above image and more information about it can be found here.

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